
buy back是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

buy back

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v.1.to buy something and take it home

1.回购 buttressed retaining wall 支墩式挡土墙 buy back 购回 Buy or Rent Option 可租可买计 …

4.产品返销 buy a pig in a poke 瞎买东西 buy back 产品返销 buy in 买进 ...

5.回购合同品分成合同(PSC)、服务合同(Service)和回购合同(Buy Back)等几种,其中油气产品分成合同模式较为普遍,新兴的回购合同模 …

6.购回股份 buy and write 两- 购买冲销策略 buy back 两- 回购;回收;回购协议;购回股份;购回 buy covering 两- 空头 …

7.创业企业家回购 夹层投资( MEZZANINE FINANCE) 创业企业家回购buy back) 股本权证( Equity Warrant) ...


1."If you're trying to do deals or buy back debt, the speed with which you do something has increased, " he says.“如果你想做交易或者股票回购,你得加快速度,”他说。

2.The argument that labor should receive enough to buy back the product is merely a special form of the general "purchasing-power" argument.劳工应当获得足够买回产品的工资的说法,只是一般“购买力论调”的一种特殊形式。

3.In what's called 'leveraged recapitalization, ' the company would buy back its stock, thereby increasing the size of that stake.这种做法被称作“杠杆资本重组”,也就是说,由雅虎购回自己的股票,增加持股规模。

4.The retailer did not provide a time frame in which it would buy back the shares.该零售商没有提供回购股票的时间表。

5.If Buffett thought there was even a meaningful chance of that happening he would not buy back any stock.如果巴菲特认为,未来存在哪怕一点点这种可能性,他也不会回购任何股票。

6.The companies have since been trying to force lenders to buy back mortgages that failed to meet certain underwriting requirements.从那以来,这两家公司一直在迫使各银行回购未能达到特定承销要求的住房抵押贷款。

7.If the company's value does not rise above what Elevation paid in 2006, Forbes could buy back the stake and stick Elevation with a loss.如果届时公司的价值没有上升到高地在2006年的交易价以上,则福布斯依然可以买回这些股权,而高地就蒙受了损失。

8.Uncertainty in global markets and a promise to spend up to $30bn on a buy-back after a deal is consummated may play into BHP's hands.全球市场的不确定性,以及在交易完成后将斥资300亿美元回购力拓股票的承诺,可能对必和必拓有利。

9.He criticized BHP for not renewing a share buy back in August, when the company reported record profits of A$23. 6 billion.他批评必和必拓集团在八月份公司利润达到创纪录的236亿时没有回购股票。

10.Unlike Hyundai's program, Ford doesn't seem to be willing to buy back cars at better-than-depreciated values.与现代汽车公司的计划,福特似乎没有愿意回购车优于折旧值。